Friday, January 7, 2011

#Travel : Here and There - Part 2

Yeap..the journey continues to..HONG KONG :)

Spending few days in Hong Kong, it's actually not really enough, even for store browsing, cause everywhere we go, there are many interesting stores around the city, from the traditional old store to trendy retail stores with unique and outstanding design and quality. Let's take a look..;)

i.t. Boutique, one of the most trendiest fashion brands in HK

Product in i.t. boutique

Trendy shoes inside i.t. boutique

After shop around, good to have yummy food :) Beef Baked Rice!, another brand owned by i.t. GROUP

Fashionable store of

The store window, simple yet stylish and attractive

Crowds on the street at Causeway Bay, HK :)

Cute store's signage

Time Square of HK...always crowded :(

A unique Visual Merchandising for a Fashion Store

Cosy and a bit rustic fashion store in Causeway Bay area

A vintage looks store called Journal Standard

Christmas decor at Harbor front 

Crowd near the Ferry Terminal with beautiful city sky scrappers behind 
Hot and Healthy Chinese Tea :)

Mouthwatering dim sum call Lo Mai Kai :D
Not sure what is the name of this soup, but definitely tasty :)
A cool store but merchandise a bit spooky :P

Inside the spooky store :P

The store name is initial
Winter collection on the store window

Lifestyle store with fancy collection
Cute store with French flair ;)

More boutiques

Antique shop
Some of the last street hawkers
An old mom and pap stall beside the modern convenience store :)
Vintage watches in an antique store

Inside antique shop

Antique shop
High End Clothing store for children

Minched beef noodle..HK style :)

A sinfully delicious deep fried meat balls!

Double decker bus

DISNEYLAND!! The Happiest Place on earth starts from the subway station :)

Mickey Mouse figurine inside the train :)

Maze at the garden of Disneyland Hotel

Unfortunately no pictures of inside Disneyland taken, since both friends just walking along the complex. They decided not to go into Disneyland, since it was very crowded that day and won't have enough time to enjoy the theme park :(

Picturesque HK :) Taken from the Victoria's Peak

Last stop, an old TEA HOUSE (but actually an old English Bistro) at Victoria's Peak

Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I do :)


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