Friday, May 20, 2011

#JF3 - The 8th Jakarta Fashion and Food Festival

Once again PT Summarecon Agung organizing their biggest annual event of the year at Summarecon Mal Kelapa Gading. Starts from 14 May up to 29 May 2011.

For consecutive 8 years PT Summarecon Agung have been consistently presenting an extravaganza shows and performances to celebrate and present the creativity of senior and junior Indonesian Fashion Designer.

Besides that their legendary KAMPOENG TEMPO DOELOE food park has become popular to many people in Jakarta. As Kelapa Gading area has been renown as one of the culinary paradise in Jakarta. Their distinctive La Piazza was transformed into the biggest food bazaars in the city. Literally, we can find delicious Indonesian food from Martabak Medan, Ketoprak Ciragil and many more.

This year, the theme for the 8th Jakarta Fashion and Food Festival is INCULTURATION, transforming Indonesia into global taste.

On the opening day, an extravaganza Carnival have taken place at Mal Kelapa Gading surrounding area, presenting hundreds of traditional and modern dances, thematic decorated mobiles and marching band then followed by MIDNIGHT SHOPPING..with alluring special offers and promotions from hundreds of participating tenants in Mal Kelapa Gading.

Then the following days of the event, each day has their own shows from Indonesian fashion designers, various fashion brands and musicians.

IPPMI Show - Ethinc theme - Thomas Sigar

IPMI Show - Ethnic - Denny Wirawan


IPPMI Show - Ethnic - Carmanita

Fashion Village in Mal Kelapa Gading 3

Fashion Village in Mal Kelapa Gading 3

Main Stage at Mal Kelapa Gading 3

Osh Kosh B'Gosh Fashion Show

Osh Kosh B'Gosh Fashion Show

While people can enjoy lots of fashion shows and shopping inside Mal Kelapa Gading, people could also enjoy a culinary adventure experience in La Piazza...from the hawker food up to the exclusive Wine and Cheese Expo.

Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe

Traditional Candies

The Famous Es Puter Duren (Durian Ice Shaved)

The crowd in Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe

Traditional Betawi's Kerak Telor

Martabak Medan

The crowd in Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe at La Piazza, Kelapa Gading

Perhaps the best timing to go there with family or friends is around 5 to 6 pm or after 09 pm when the crowd is a bit lesser and the weather is cooler.

For more details and complete information, visit:



Wednesday, May 18, 2011

#JF3 - Anne Avantie "Putri Tiong Hoa" tribute to Robby Tumewu

The 8th Jakarta Fashion and Food Festival was started on the 14 of May and presenting hundreds of fashion shows and entertainment up until 29 May 2011. Organized by Summarecon Kelapa Gading, the event was again became one of the most spectacular events in Jakarta.

On Sunday, 15th May 2011, the first Fashion Show was an exclusive one by Anne Avantie, one of the most outstanding fashion designer in Indonesia for some times. She is known as a contemporary kebaya designer which has her own signature on each design and made every item a masterpiece. Not only an extremely talented fashion designer, she is also a loving and caring woman that like to help others, especially children, where she has a foundation to help and support sick children from less fortunate family background for free.

This time, with a theme call "Putri Tiong Hoa", this show was not only a ordinary fashion show but with a special intention to give financial support and encouragement to Robby Tumewu, a dear friend of her, whom also known as a long time fashion designer and movie/tv actor who suffered a stroke attack since few months ago.

Therefore, in this show, besides showing her very own designed KEBAYA, she also invited all Robby's friends from Lenong Rumpi, a TV comedy series and Cau Bau Kan movie which are very popular in the 90's to make the show a very special one for Robby.

Anne's kebaya on display

Another piece of Anne's Kebaya

Anne Avantie On Arrival at Grand Ball room Hotel Harris, Kelapa Gading

The show was started with the opening speech from the distinguished guest, Mrs. Linda Gumelar, one of The Ministers in current cabinet and mayor of Semarang, follow by Mr Jaya Suprana, the Founder of MURI (Museum Rekor Dunia Indonesia) whom present the award to Robby Tumewu for his achievement as a fashion designer and actor for many years also to Anne Avantie for his achievement for her creativity as fashion designer and become the first Contemporary Kebaya designer in the world.

Distinguished Guests on the front row with Robby Tumewu

Jaya Suprana announcing the award from MURI

Then the show starts with the opening song from WARNA, singing with a gorgeous Kebaya Peranakan costumes.

Followed by the cast of Cau Bau Kan...Ferry Salim and Lola Amaria...accompanied by Lulu Dewayanti Yongki Komaladi and Chossy Latu with background snapshots of the movie. In between, some models walked with the amazing kebayas of Anne.. 

Ferry Salim and Lola Amaria

Ferry Salim and Lulu Dewayanti

Yongki Komaladi

Anne's glamorous kebaya

Chossy Latu

Indra Bekti and Indy Barends also appears with beautiful Chinese costumes, looking fabulous!

Indra Bekti

Indra Bekti and Indy Barends

More kebaya was shown off by senior models and friends, even some senior staffs of Mal Kelapa Gading which have known Robby Tumewu for some times also participating on the catwalk.

Enny Sukamto

An Emperor's Outfit

Then followed by all cast of Lenong Rumpi! :)

Okky Lukman
Debby Sahertian

Ira Wibowo

Tata Dado

Tata Dado

Ade and Harry deFretes

Lenong Rumpi cast on catwalk




Robby Tumewu, Hanky Tandayu and friends on stage

It was a Fabulous show indeed...and it was not an ordinary one. It was really a show of LOVE by all good friends of Robby Tumewu, initiated by Anne Avantie to encourage him and support him in his time of healing.....and that's what friends are for...

