Saturday, November 13, 2010

Jakarta Fashion Week 2010/2011 - Young Vibrant Designers

The crowd starts to fill up the Fashion Tent at the South Entrance of Pacific Place at 07:05 pm. I can see lots of Mazda's goodie bags on the VIP seats. Yeah...Mazda sponsored the show :) Anyway, Mazda have chosen three young and uprising designers for the Jakarta Fashion Week this year. Some executives and management of Mazda, also distributors are sitting on the front rows. Also there are some designers and socialites such as Yongky Komaladi, Dian Sudarjo and Samuel Mulia sitting among the audiences as well.

Anastasia Hoeng, Zacky Gafiki and Steven Huang are the three designers that going to present their collection because each one of them represents the spirit of Mazda, which are Stylish, Spirited and Insightful. Each one of them has set their footage in the fashion industry for sometimes and has built their clientele not only in Indonesia but also in overseas as well.

The show was opened by each masterpiece by each designer, and then followed by full presentation of each designer. 

Anastasia Hoeng starts the show with her clean and minimalist collection. Using lots of crepe and chiffon. The color story was nicely combined, between beige and red. A bit of fabric application here and there on the clothes makes it looks more sophisticated and chic.

Zacky Gafiki, taking over the stage with his unique design. Some inspiration from Japanese bushido's style, I think. With lots of fabric and ingenious techniques, his whole collection looks mysteriously stylish. Especially when most of the items are in Black or White colors, with few items in Red.

Steven Huang's collection was a collection of more sophisticated dresses. Glamorous and stylish. Mixing different fabrics such as satin silk, brocade, chiffon, etc. made his collection looks flowy, glamy and sexy at the same time.

Another good show :) 


Front Row

Yongki Komaladi, Samuel Mulia, Dian Sudarjo and friends

Anastasia Hoeng collection

Anastasia Hoeng collection

Anastasia Hoeng

Zacky Gafiki collection

Zacky Gafiki collection

Zacky Gafiki collection

Zacky Gafiki Collection

Zacky Gafiki and models
Stephen Huang collection

Stephen Huang collection

Stephen Huang collection

Stephen Huang collection

Stephen Huang collection

Designers and models

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