Wednesday, November 24, 2010

#Retail : Christmas in the Store Window! Part 1

Yes! Christmas is coming soon. We can see lots of retailers and malls have put up their store decoration to create a pretty and festive ornaments in their premises.

If we go around town in Jakarta, most of the high end malls have done the Christmas decoration, unfortunately most of the decoration looks the same year after year, BORING...I must says!

But if we go to other countries where Christmas is one of the most important seasons for majority of people, we can see lots of beautiful things in stores and outside their Show Window...I love seeing those visually entertaining decor, the theme and the details was FANTASTIC! Sometimes, If I have a chance to travel during the Christmas season, I love to go to Singapore or Hong Kong or other places in Northern Hemisphere :) While vacationing, usually I would be able to enjoy lots of different Christmas decorations and festive ambiance in the malls and stores.

Unfortunately I may not be able to go anywhere this season, however, here's some pictures taken by our friend, Luthfi, in Henri Bendel, a high-end dept stores in NYC recently, whom, by the way I envied most, because he could enjoy such a lovely creation in one of my favorite cities in the world :) 

Check this link out:

Enjoy! :)


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